Helping preachers thrive in the craft, process, & spirituality of preaching
Timely & practical support for the Day-in, Day-out work of preaching
“Backstory Preaching is changing my life to make sermon prep more energizing and not take over my whole week.”
Backstory Preaching is an online, ecumenical ministry
We help Anglican and mainline preachers:
prep sermons more efficiently
preach more compellingly
and connect with God in the process
To meet a variety of needs and learning styles, we offer:
independent eCourses
6-week live courses guided by a mentor
a 10-month preaching Mentorship program
The Collectives—a preacher’s go-to resource for all things preaching: this year-round community supports compelling preaching with tools, courses, workshops, and events for continual education and growth
“My first sermon today with this method and I AM DELIGHTED!!! I truly felt the JOY of bringing Good News to God’s people!”
All offerings are Designed to nurture the preacher’s Own spirituality
To foster an authentic, sustainable preaching ministry, everything we do and offer is rooted in prayer—so the preacher preaches with their whole life.
Seasoned preachers, lay preachers, & new preachers all report growth and renewed vitality
Our resources are useful for both lectionary and non-lectionary preachers alike. Seasoned preachers, lay preachers, and new preachers all report growth and renewed vitality in their preaching as a result of participating in Backstory Preaching.
In addition to the paid programs mentioned above, we offer a blog and numerous free resources distributed across our social media channels and by email in our weekly newsletter.
Backstory Preaching also works with adjudicatory leaders to provide trainings or courses for groups of preachers. Reach out to Lisa Cressman, Founding Steward, to learn more.
Interested in supporting the ministry of Backstory Preaching?
You can support Backstory Preaching's scholarships for preachers as well as the creation and distribution of free, practical resources shared weekly with preachers around the world. You'll contribute to spreading the good news globally by helping preachers thrive in the process, craft, and spirituality of preaching. Furthermore, you'll be supporting a unique, women-led ministry whose staff and mentors live out BsP's values of being trustworthy, gracious, and generative practitioners among our preachers.
(Please note: BsP is an LLC rather than a non-profit in order to more nimbly respond to the needs of preachers. As a result, donations will not be tax-deductible, though their impact is incalculable.)
Meet The Founding Steward
About LISA
The vision for Backstory Preaching woke the Rev’d Dr. Lisa Cressman in the middle of the night, and she’s been trying to keep up with the Holy Spirit ever since.
She is Backstory Preaching’s Founding Steward, sharing insights from more than 25 years as an Episcopal priest, preacher, spiritual director, and retreat leader.
She is the author of The Gospel People Don’t Want to Hear: Preaching Challenging Messages (Working Preacher Books, 2020), Backstory Preaching: Integrating Life, Spirituality, and Craft (The Liturgical Press: Collegeville, 2018), and Craft an Effective Sermon by Friday, a guest preacher, preaching instructor, and keynote speaker.
Lisa is a Certified Daring Way® Facilitator, holds a BS in Nursing from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, an M.Div. from the Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley, CA., and a D.Min. in Practical Theology from Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, IN.
Her hope for you is simple but profound: that you would preach with your whole life.
“Lisa and her team locate preaching in the spiritual work of discernment, in collaborative study, and in an appreciative approach to understanding one’s own story. All of this happens in a context that uses technology in service of God’s mission, in ways that can be accessible for experienced preachers and those who are new to the practice, from many walks of life. We’re grateful and excited for the partnership.”
Meet our mentors
Backstory Preaching is led by experienced preachers and teachers who know what it's like to prepare and deliver a sermon week after week.
I'm an Episcopal priest ordained in 2010, currently serving as the Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Baytown, TX. I began with Backstory Preaching in 2016 and currently serve as the Steward for Education & Formation—visioning a pathway of formation for our communities, designing and teaching online and in-person courses, mentoring preachers, and training mentors. I recently completed my D.Min. on preaching Holy Saturday, am a member of the Academy of Homiletics, and am working on a few writing projects. I am also a Certified Daring Way® Facilitator, Certified Dare to Lead® Facilitator, and Community Wellness Advocate with Living Compass. I live just east of Houston, TX, with my spouse Tim, dog Thurgood, and cat Pangur. My core values are wholeness, wonder, authenticity and grace. I am fond of traveling, art, laughing, sunshine, cooking, DIY projects and conspiring with God.
Jen Beamsley
Ordained as an ELCA pastor in 2005, I have been a church nerd my whole life. I love worn pews and loud babies in worship; new ministries that shake things up so everyone is uncomfortable; enough grace to hang your life on. I have been found by all that and more, and I'm grateful. When not filling my hours serving on synod staff, you'll find me outside, in a garden, on a path, nose in a book, or cooking something up in the kitchen—preferably with spouse Chris, our grown kids, and/or the dog.
Miriam Elizabeth Bledsoe
I am an Episcopal priest and monastic sister with the Order of Saint Helena in North Augusta, SC (www.osh.org). I was ordained in 2002-3 and served as a parish priest before coming to the order in 2011. I began with Backstory Preaching in 2016 and currently serve as a mentor and mentor-guide with apprentices. In my order I serve as part of a duo on the Leadership Council; as sister in charge of the kitchen; and as a priest, preacher, spiritual director and retreat leader. As well, I provide occasional sacramental supply for Christ Episcopal Church in Denmark, SC.
Prior to my ordained ministry, neurophysiology was my jam and I worked as a hospital and rehabilitation speech pathologist. I enjoy all things creative including preaching, cooking, quilting, photography and generally mucking around with paint, pens, paper, thread and fabric. I’m a fan of four-legged creatures, especially dogs. I love kayaking on a cool morning in ocean waters, although the Savannah River serves me well these days.
Family and long time friends know me as Faith Bledsoe (my birth name and my Facebook page). I took a monastic name when I was clothed in my habit as a novice and now generally go by Miriam Elizabeth.
As a preacher and BsP Mentor, I believe God calls us to sink deeply into scripture and sermon prep, so we can rise up preaching!
kevin caruso
There are 2 types of people in this world, those who like to write bios about themselves, and those who don’t…
…and I am not sure the first type of person exists!
I am a priest who serves as the Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Wheaton, IL. I have been blessed to share in ministry with the people of Trinity since 2014. Together, we strive to follow the Way of Love made known by Jesus.
My relationship with Backstory Preaching began during the pandemic. During the lockdown, I was looking for ways to grow as a preacher and found the Mentorship. The more I learned about it, the more I wanted to be a part of it. I participated in the Mentorship in 2020 and the Apprenticeship in 2021.
Prior to participating in Backstory Preaching, I earned an MDiv from Yale Divinity School, where I was awarded the John A. Wade Prize for great originality in expository preaching (whatever that means!).
As a priest, I seek to support people in discerning how God calls them to live with purpose and passion. As a part of the Backstory team, I am excited to have the opportunity to work with those seeking to improve, intentionally and actively, as preachers of the Word.
I am also blessed to be the father of 3 wonderful children who fill my days with laughter and love.
For those interested in some details about my training and experience…
I have successfully completed trainings through the College for Congregational Development, Fierce Conversations, Invite Welcome Connect, and the Episcopal Missional Leadership Cohort. Beyond serving as a Mentor with Backstory Preaching, I make use of these skills as a consultant within the Diocese of Chicago and a coach for Invite Welcome Connect. I am also a trained interpreter of the CAT (Congregation Assessment Tool) administered by Holy Cow! Consulting. All of this amounts to a commitment to using the principles and best practices of organizational development and adaptive leadership in my ministry as a pastor, consultant, and coach.
Doris Chandler
Dog and nature lover, stargazer, leaf peeper, and Mandalorian fan. Love hot chocolate crowned with miniature marshmallows on brrrr cold snowy days, an early morning cup of dark roast coffee, and Mandalorian conversations with my son. Ordained as a PC(USA) Minister of Word and Sacrament in 1996. Served PC(USA) congregations in Alabama and New York and presently serve a PC(USA) congregation in Michigan. Prior to ordination was a science educator in public schools. Reading, gardening, walking, playing fetch with my beloved American Cocker Spaniel, and watching hummingbirds sip nectar bring joyful delight.
Jo Cooper
I have been in ministry as a United Methodist Pastor in Louisiana since 2000. Before then I was a safety coordinator for a hospital. I have a paraprofessional certification in Spiritual Formation and am a Spiritual Director. I am married to an UMC Pastor and between us we have 3 children and 7 grandchildren. I enjoy long walks and strong coffee, not necessarily in that order.
Monique Ellison
I am a Midwesterner (from a suburb of Detroit, Michigan) and lover of the underdog, seeing as how I get a lot of practice with the Lions, Red Wings, Tigers, and Pistons as my hometown teams. I also believe that God sides with the underdog and that is the team I want to be on. I am an aspiring endurance athlete, but not because I think I'm going to be standing on any podiums. I like all of the people who do things like ride a bike 100 miles. I live with my wife, toddler daughter, my parents, and my ill behaved dog.
leigh hall
Since 2017, I've been the full-time rector of St. Nicholas- on-the-Hudson, an Episcopal church in the Diocese of NY. I also serve as the quarter-time Affiliate Advisor (e.g., chaplain) to the Protestant community at Vassar College. Ordained since 2009, I am an emigre to the northeast from the deep south. I follow a mostly vegan diet and live for perfect avocados. I’m decent at Scrabble.
On New Year's Eve 2019, I met the love of my life, Edmund, and married him exactly one year later, New Year's Eve 2020. We live in the Hudson Valley with our Boston Terrier, Boo Radley; Scout, a Boxer rescue (read: a hot mess express); and Bianca, our feline grand dame who just couldn't care less.
Likes: label makers, lavender, Wes Anderson movies, any combination of hazelnut + chocolate, clogs
Dislikes: the climate crisis, racism, unkindness, feeling stuck
Curiosities: the British monarchy, monasticism, calligraphy & lettering
susan ironside
Hello from New Jersey where I serve as rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Madison, having previously served as rector of St. John on the Mountain in Bernardsville, NJ. A graduate of The General Theological Seminary, and recipient of the Bishop of Newark Preaching Prize in 2010, I have been a working preacher for over a decade. In addition to being a proud mentor here at BsP, I also have served for many years as a faculty member for the Episcopal Preaching Foundation. Prior priestly ministry, I was a Registered Nurse who worked for Adult Protective Services in New Jersey, working with families and individuals in crisis. I live with my husband and our two college students, and two completely overindulged dogs. When not working or hanging out with family I love novels, cooking, and disappearing to the beach whenever possible!
Preaching—for me anyway—is both exhilarating and terrifying, and it is always a joy to work with other preachers, hear new voices, and explore the diverse ways that God continues to speak through ordinary women and men who are brave and foolish enough to step into a pulpit and proclaim Good News to God’s people.
courtney jones
Quick Bio: Courtney Jones. Deacon in Dio NWTX. Likes books and dogs. Associate for Ministry Development and Innovation at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Amarillo. She/her.
The slightly longer bio: Courtney was a high school science teacher for the first 18 years of her working life. Courtney was ordained to the vocational diaconate in the Episcopal Church in January of 2018. Courtney balanced teaching, preaching, and ministry life for the first couple years after ordination, but was offered a full time position at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Amarillo in July of 2020. Courtney's ministry focuses as an associate are digital ministry, communications, formation, and outreach. Courtney currently lives in her hometown, Amarillo, TX, with her wife, Michele, two dogs and a cat. The whole troop plus a mother-in-law will soon be moving to Northwestern Washington (Dio Olympia) for Michele's work in Occupational and Environmental Safety.
Mike Marsh
I am married to Cyndy. We have two sons. Our younger son lives with his wife in Hawaii. Our older son died in 2009. I enjoy cycling and backpacking.
I have served as rector of St. Philip's Episcopal Church, Uvalde, Texas, since 2005. My interests are the desert and monastic traditions, Eastern Orthodoxy, contemplative and mystical spirituality, and spiritual direction and formation. Outside of the parish these interests find expression in the following work:
Backstory Preaching - Spiritual Guide
Iona Collaborative, Thriving in Bi-vocational Ministry - Clergy Mentor
Collegeville Institute’s Communities of Calling - Clergy Coach
Individual Spiritual Direction
Before going to seminary I practiced trial law in Corpus Christi, Texas, for fifteen years.
-BS, University of Texas at El Paso, 1982
-JD, Texas Tech University School of Law, 1985
-MDiv, The School of Theology, University of the South - Sewanee, 2003
-DMin, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 2012
dale matherly
I’m a Disciples of Christ pastor ordained in 1992, and most recently completed eleven years as the Senior Minister of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Topeka, Kansas. I currently engage in leadership coaching, facilitate learning opportunities around Adaptive Leadership, and help organizations grow from their strengths using Appreciative Inquiry. I participated in early 2020 in a Backstory Preaching sermon camp and then followed that as a participant in the 2020/21 Mentorship. My partner, Traci, and I have two grown children, an adopted dog, and a cat.
I love to hike and explore the mountains of east Tennessee where I grew up. I have come to love walking in the blowing wind of the Kansas tall grass prairie. My favorite hobby is photography and particularly photography of night skies. The stars and galactic core remind me of the expansiveness of God.
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.”
- Isaiah 43:1b
eric miller
I’m an Episcopal priest ordained to the priesthood in the spring of 2003, currently serving as rector of Ascension & Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. My Backstory Preaching journey commenced in 2018 (member of Collective Plus 2018, Participant in Mentorship 2019-20, Apprentice 2020-21) and serve as a Mentor, as well as an Instructor for Sermon Camp. In addition, I serve as Chaplain for our local Fire Department, member of the Diocese of Southern Ohio’s Commission on Ministry, and one of the founding members of “Wyoming Community In Action,” our suburb’s response to racial injustices. I practice sober living through the principles of recovery spirituality. I live just north of lovely downtown Cincinnati, OH with my spouse Rosemary, high school-aged boys Nathaniel and Lucas, and beloved rescue dog Lulu. Some of my core values are love, humility, service to others, spiritual connectivity, and God’s grace. I enjoy being in the great outdoors, movies and meals with my family, practicing yoga, writing, and relaxing with my dog.
andrea myers
I’m an ELCA pastor (ordained 2009), currently serving as Senior Pastor of St. Stephen Lutheran Church in Urbandale, Iowa.
I’ve been a Backstory Preaching Mentor since 2020, after completing the the Mentorship (2019) and Apprenticeship (2019-20). The methods and community of BsP have helped me develop a more spiritually-grounded and sustainable preaching practice. What I love about being a Mentor is helping preachers discover their own grace-filled practice for preaching the good news authentically and effectively.
I am a certified Emotional Intelligence trainer. I believe that developing EQ competencies can equip pastors and preachers to become more resilient and effective in their calling. I lead workshops through the Center for Emotional Intelligence and Human Relations (www.eqhr.org).
I grew up primarily in the Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC. I returned there after college to work in the software industry and do volunteer youth ministry in my congregation and synod. In 2003, I entered Wartburg Theological Seminary (Dubuque, IA), where I met my husband Ronald. Following 15 years of ministry in rural Minnesota, we recently moved to the Des Moines metro area to be closer to his family. My podcast playlist focuses on politics, current events, productivity, and leadership. My ideal vacation is traveling to a new place where I can learn, eat, attend a play or concert, and visit a local yarn shop for some knitting inspiration.
caroline penhale
My name is Rev. Caroline Penhale and I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I serve as a coach in private practice and a mentor with Backstory Preaching. Ordained in 2014, I have served in paid accountable ministry with the United Church of Canada for 12 years. Prior to ministry, I worked as a vocational rehabilitation counsellor and coach for 12 years. I have trained with Holmes Coaching and the Coaches Training Institute and I am a member of the International Coaches Federation. I look forward to meeting and getting to know you as part of the Backstory Preaching community. Welcome!
Yejide Peters Pietersen
I love preaching and teaching. I am deeply drawn to Ignatian Spirituality and making theology a spiritual practice. I am married and the proud aunt of adorable nieces and nephews. I love dogs, silly memes, serious documentaries, and cooking. I dream of running a half-marathon before my next big birthday (thank goodness it is more than three years away...) Jesus is awesome.
I have been an ordained ELCA pastor for nearly 30 years; served churches in Montana, Minnesota, and Michigan (I know... all Ms); have a PhD in worship and preaching from Graduate Theological Union; taught worship and preaching at a Lutheran seminary for several years; edit the quarterly journal "Liturgy" published by The Liturgical Conference; write for Augsburg Fortress, Working Preacher, other publishers; and am grateful to work with preachers as a mentor in Backstory Preaching's Mentorship program.
rhonda rogers
The Rev. Rhonda Rogers (she/her) is Vicar at St. Francis of Assisi, Prairie View in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. She is a member of the Executive Committee and Racial Justice Committee in the diocese.
Rhonda is an Associate with the Order of St. Helena, a monastic community of women in the Episcopal Church. She is a member of Daughters of the King and Union of Black Episcopalians Reverend John D. Epps Chapter. She is also a member of the Province VII Anti-Racism Committee.
Prior to ordained ministry, Rhonda worked for Mobil Chemical and ExxonMobil Chemical for over 38 years as a Chemical Engineer. In addition to her technical career, Rhonda led employee workshops for Organizational Development, Diversity and Inclusion at Mobil Chemical Films Division.
Rhonda has three adult children who live in Maryland and California. Her hobbies include traveling, going to the theatre, music, golf, and reading.
jennifer scarr
I am an ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren, an historic peace church full of anabaptist and pietist theology and practice. I currently serve as the pastor for pastoral care and outreach at Bridgewater Church of the Brethren in Bridgewater, Virginia. I began with Backstory Preaching during the global pandemic in 2020 and am delighted to be serving as a Backstory Preaching Mentor! In addition to my work with Backstory, I am also a member of the board for a nonprofit called On Earth Peace and am trained as a reservist with Community Peacemaker Teams (CPT) where I served in Colombia once upon a time. For now, I live just outside of Harrisonburg, VA with my partner (Jonathan) and our two fur babies (Cats, Midnight and Leo.) When I am not reading Harry Potter, I’m flying the starship Enterprise or keeping an eye out of my office window for the T.A.R.D.I.S. which is sure to arrive any day.
JJ Simpson-Keelan
I am a second career pastor serving at Living Waters in Ringoes New Jersey. Prior to ministry, I worked for almost thirty years at International Flavors and Fragrances. I started as an Analytical Chemist and held positions in operations, customer service, information technology, and global purchasing. I am also a certified project management professional.
I found BsP shortly into my first call. The community, support, and ideas you will find in this space will fill your well. I look forward to meeting everyone and getting to work with you and continuing to grow in faith and connections.
sam smith
The Rev. Samantha Smith is rector at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Waco, in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. She also serves as an instructor of Ethics and Liturgical Theology at the Iona School for Ministry in her diocese and as a member of the diocesan Board of Examining Chaplains.
Sam received her Backstory Preaching designation in 2019 and her mentor designation in 2021.
Sam enjoys spending time with her spouse, Austin, their daughter, Ruth, and their beagle, Seaborn. She is an avid West Wing fan (which is how Seaborn got his name!), a consumer of epic fantasy and historical fiction by the truck load, a former college athlete, a lover of yard games, and a DIY dabbler. She loves watching God unfold in all of those experiences and more besides.
The continual unfolding of God in the fabric of her life is what ignites her passion for preaching and helping people connect the story of God to their own stories.
Brad Sullivan
I am an Episcopal Priest, serving and preaching in congregations since 2005. Preaching, teaching, leading pastoral care, and building communities within the church are my primary ministries. I'm also a Certified Daring Way® Facilitator and love that healing work.
Having grown up in Houston and gone to school at the University of Texas in Austin, I met my wife at Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, VA. Since then, we've served in different congregations, mostly in Houston, where we live with our three children. When not preaching, I spend time as a singer-songwriter and guitar player.
Stacy Walker
I have served God in the Church and in the World as an Episcopal priest since 2006: 16 years in parish ministry, and as a community organizer with DuPage United (a Metro IAF affiliate). I am canonically resident in the Diocese of Chicago and live in the suburbs of Chicago. Besides preaching on occasion, and reviving grassroots democracy with our inter-religious organization, I am also a single mom to twin teenage sons. I enjoy running, watching my boys run, spending time outdoors, reading, making music, listening to vinyl, hanging out with my friends and family, and living life on life's terms one day at a time. The spirituality of the 12 steps of Al-anon is essential to my life and relationship with Jesus (the God of my understanding). My favorite questions in regards to preaching are, "Ok, so what? Where's the invitation to transformation?!" And, "Where's your relationship and experience of Jesus in this sermon's backstory?" Show us Jesus, preacher!
ron wells, collective/+ chaplain
Ron Wells (he, him, his) is the middle child of Joseph and Marie; he has an older brother, Michael, and a younger sister, Bettina. He earned a Doctor of Ministry Degree, from United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio, May 2005. He has also earned degrees from the following institutions: Bachelor of Arts, Long Island University, C. W. Post Center; Master of Divinity, New Brunswick Theological Seminary; Master of Science, New York Institute of Technology; and a Master of Science in Education, the City College-CUNY.
Ronald J. Wells was ordained on February 10, 1985 at St. Albans Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, Queens, NY. He retired from the Navy after serving 30 years as a reserve component Chaplain on December 1, 2015. He entered the US Navy as a Lieutenant Junior Grade on November 22, 1985 and was promoted to Captain on September 1, 2005. Some of his assignments have included: Hospital Chaplain - Fleet Hospital 22, Battalion Chaplain - 6th Communication Battalion, Commanding Officer MEFREL 106, Washington, D. C., Deputy Division Chaplain 4th Marine Division, New Orleans, LA, REDCOM Northwest Staff Chaplain, Everett, Washington, Deputy Region NW Chaplain, 25th Regimental Chaplain, Afghanistan Gospel Service Pastor, Kandahar Air-Field Afghanistan, 2nd Fleet Chaplain, Deputy Region MIDLANT Chaplain and Reserve Deputy PACFLEET Chaplain.
Rev. Wells has served the following congregations: Dr. Wells also retired from the New York City Department of Education after 35 years on March 2, 2015. He served in the following capacities: Principal Paul Robeson HS, Principal Assigned Middle School 103, Principal Assigned Unity HS, Director Region 10 Student Suspensions, Principal, Middle High School Program (8+) Region 10, Principal, Eight Plus Learning Academy; Principal, Martin Luther King, Jr. HS; Assistant Principal, Queens Gateway to Health Sciences Secondary School; Teacher, A. Philip Randolph Campus HS, and Washington Irving HS.
He has also participated in postgraduate educational internships and fellowships: Gateway Summer Teacher Institute; Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Urology Department; participated in an extensive fellowship with a urologist at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine; shadowing the urologist and observing various surgical procedures.
Ronald is the proud recipient of the following awards and honors: NAACP Black Heritage Fellowship Award, "Assistant Principal of the Year", New York State Naval Militia Five Year Ribbon & 10 Year Medal, Coast Guard Bicentennial Ribbon, National Defense Service Medals, 20 Year Reserve Service Medal, Navy Marine Corps Achievement & Commendation Medals, Gold Star in Lieu of Third Award, Meritorious Service Medal, Outstanding Young Men of America, nominated for Who's Who Among College and University Students, and received a Congressional nomination for admission into the U.S. Air Force Academy.
Dr. Wells is either currently serving in the following positions or has served the following community and civic organizations: President, Board of Directors, Metro Association, New York Conference (UCC), Member, Executive Board New York Conference; Secretary & Member, Board of Directors, Metro-Suffolk Association; Treasurer, Community Planning Board # 1; Legislative Representative & Executive Board Member Council of Supervisor and Administrators; Member, Kiwanis International, North Amityville Club; Member, The Military Chaplains Association of the United States of America; Member, Naval Reserve Officers Association; Member, National Association of Secondary School Principals.
Dr. Wells has authored or contributed to the following publications: Doctoral Dissertation, “Coaching To Produce Transformed Leaders, A Model of Ministry to Enable Older Black Men to Coach Younger Black Men”; "The Impact of Prostate Cancer in African American Men", Do African American Male High School Principals Have a Positive Impact on the Aspirations of their African American Male Students? The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Instructional Technology, featured in the New York Times December, 1989, and is included in The New Yorker Magazine 75th Anniversary Issue, February 21 & 28, 2000, Jonathan Kozal, “The Shame of the Nation”, 2005.
Dr. Ronald J. Wells is the proud father of: Ronald II, Alana, Charles, Brandon, Zakiya, Malik, and Amadi. He is also the proud grand-father of seven grandchildren. He is married to Dr. Desiree Williams Wells, and they reside in Wheatley Heights, NY.