Going small for Sermon Inspiration
Spirituality, Process Lisa Cressman Spirituality, Process Lisa Cressman

Going small for Sermon Inspiration

God's glory is revealed in the small as well as the big: in the sparrow and the heavens, the mustard seed and the mountains, the little children and the disciples. And our preaching grows stronger when we learn to attune ourselves to the way God appears in the smallest details of the Bible's stories and text. 

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Lenten Preaching: Why Change is So Hard
Spirituality, Holiday/Special Sermons Lisa Cressman Spirituality, Holiday/Special Sermons Lisa Cressman

Lenten Preaching: Why Change is So Hard

We preachers often wonder whether our words have any effect. The people we preach to and the world around us pretty much look the same week after week. It doesn’t often look like the Good News has caught fire in people’s hearts. It doesn’t look like the reign of God is being built. For all our efforts to preach the Good News, how come it looks like nothing much is changing?

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Your free, at-home Lenten retreat: Exhale
Spirituality Lisa Cressman Spirituality Lisa Cressman

Your free, at-home Lenten retreat: Exhale

We work hard to create an environment so that those we serve enter into a holy and sacred season of fasting, reflection, and prayer. And what about you?

We have created an environment for you with this free, at-home Lenten retreat. It includes quotations, poetry, Lectio Divina, and questions for reflection—with suggestions for three schedules to suit your schedule of ninety minutes, three hours, or six. By the end, you will have exhaled your concerns about what is to come, and be held in the present, liminal moment between breaths: our place of rest within the Holy.

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Stretch Beyond "Churchy" Words (A Guest Post)
Craft Melinda Quivik Craft Melinda Quivik

Stretch Beyond "Churchy" Words (A Guest Post)

Watch out for churchy words. They confiscate your meaning. These are the words that whisper a not very hidden secret: Only the initiated can understand these ideas. Those who are not “in the know” either check out when they hear these words or they become convinced that this Christianity stuff isn’t for them, and they don’t come back next week. 

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The Antidote to Overwhelm & Despair: The Three Circles of Responsibility
Lisa Cressman Lisa Cressman

The Antidote to Overwhelm & Despair: The Three Circles of Responsibility

In the face of overwhelming harm, we can be tempted to despair. It feels like too much. Our life and voice seem so small. But we are not without agency. We do have some control and influence. Understanding the three circles of our responsibility helps us know what is ours to do and what is not—so we take hopeful action for the love of our neighbor.

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Lessons Learned From the Harshest Sermon Feedback I’ve received
Lisa Cressman Lisa Cressman

Lessons Learned From the Harshest Sermon Feedback I’ve received

As a new preacher, I guest preached at a local congregation near my seminary. Unbeknownst to me, a professor was in the pews, and after my sermon, he sent me long, detailed, and brutal feedback about my sermon. It took years, but here’s what I learned from that experience.

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I participated in the Lectio study today with a complicated and double-speak Gospel (John 17:6-19) and WOW! I received so much great insight and am headed in a direction I feel really good about. Thank you to all my colleagues! If you are wondering if this is worth it, wonder no more. It is.

—Donna G.

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The Gospel People Don't Want to Hear: Preaching Challenging Messages was written to aid preacher’s in understanding what’s at stake for their listeners so they can craft sermons their audience can receive, even if they challenge cherished beliefs.

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I just have to say WOW. I'm so grateful that I made the investment and joined The Collective. These Thursday [workshops] are a game-changer for me.

—Andrea M.

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