A 3-Step Review to Preach More Compellingly and Joyfully This Year (& All Year)!
Complete this 3-step review to preach more compellingly and joyfully this year (& all year)!
For the Love of Preaching: Make it playful work!
The vast majority of preachers I work with, including me!, would say their favorite part of sermon prep is exegesis. It’s likely the “new” aspect that’s actually at the root of why we enjoy exegesis. Every time we discover something new, our brains push out a little dopamine and we feel that rush of satisfaction. However, when we run out of “new” because we’ve read the same Scripture verses, footnotes and commentaries over and over, well, uh-oh. But we can infuse newness into every stage of sermon prep, and that’s the key to creating work that feels like play.
See Yourself as Beloved—and Change the World
I learned a journaling practice that has changed my life. I think it could change yours, too.
"The Earth Shall Yield its Increase": The Cost of Severing Work from Worship (A Guest Post)
Scripture offers us a vision of human life grounded in three deeply intertwined covenantal relationships: God, humanity, and the earth. But these three vital relationships have been broken by sin, leading to a distorted theology of worship, work, and rest.
5 Biggest Blocks to Effective, Creative Sermon Prep
How we set ourselves up for sermon prep makes all the difference in our experience of preaching. Consider these five common mistakes preachers make that block effective, efficient sermon prep. When we overcome these obstacles, our creativity expands, and we craft sermons we believe in and are excited to offer. Are any of these blocks keeping you from a vibrant preaching life right now?
Beyond Candles & Icons: 5 Items to Inspire Your Sermon Prep
These items help us to be more mindful of the Spirit’s presence, remind us that our preaching really does make a difference, widen our creative pipelines, speed our sermon prep, and add considerably to the fun and joy of our vocation.
Christmas Gift List for Preachers (2023)
Each year I create a gift list for preachers with suggestions that are hint-worthy to drop with Santa, loved ones, or parishioners. This year’s suggestions are sure to delight and inspire you in 2024, and most will even help save the environment beyond that.
I suggest them because they put a smile on my face, and if you are lucky enough to receive any of these, I hope they will bring a smile to yours, too. Enjoy!
"The earth laughs in flowers": Easter Quotes & Inspiration
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, “The earth laughs in flowers.” That's a perfect way to think of Easter, too: Easter laughs death away altogether and for good. Emerson's quote is one of many I assembled for your preaching and personal reflections this Eastertide.
Uncovering Our Theological DNA: A Review of “Preaching the Manifold Grace of God”
As with any aspect of our backstory, the more we're aware of the ideas, events, and beliefs that shape us, the less prone we are to fall prey to blindspots, biases, and unexamined perspectives. These books make the job of theological self-examination and awareness much easier.
Should Preachers use AI to Write Their Sermons? An ArtificIal Intelligence (AI) Primer & Discussion of the Moral Maze
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now widely available and prompting mass conversation about its implications for education, business, tech, and yes, preaching. In all fields, the question begged is: where does the ability of AI end and the need for human thought, analysis, and empathy begin? Head to the blog to read a sermon written by AI and consider where AI could or should be used in preaching—or not.
The sermon 52 Framework
Just one hour and $27 to learn BsP’s practice to craft authentic, effective sermons—52 weeks a year.
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Live Lectio for Sermon Prep (Free!)
Get an early start on your sermon prep by joining us live on Facebook (Mondays at noon Central) as we prayerfully discuss the coming week's gospel passage (RCL & NL).
I participated in the Lectio study today with a complicated and double-speak Gospel (John 17:6-19) and WOW! I received so much great insight and am headed in a direction I feel really good about. Thank you to all my colleagues! If you are wondering if this is worth it, wonder no more. It is.
—Donna G.
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Your go-to community for preaching support and long-term growth. Weekly sermon prep resources, monthly master classes with leaders in the field, seasonal planning sessions, and community for the day-to-day work of preaching—all online so you can participate from anywhere.
Craft an Effective Sermon by Friday
This downloadable eCourse teaches you effective techniques you can apply immediately to craft soul-filled sermons that connect with your audience.
Get the latest book by BsP’s founder!
The Gospel People Don't Want to Hear: Preaching Challenging Messages was written to aid preacher’s in understanding what’s at stake for their listeners so they can craft sermons their audience can receive, even if they challenge cherished beliefs.
I just have to say WOW. I'm so grateful that I made the investment and joined The Collective. These Thursday [workshops] are a game-changer for me.
—Andrea M.