It's a Day of Reflection, So Let's Reflect on your Preaching

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I hope you're able to take today as a day of quiet and reflection.

In the spirit of reflection, we're sharing four of our most popular blog posts to help you think about your craft and process. May you find something to inspire your preaching and preaching life.

1. Six Tips to Preach in a Divided Culture

Few of us have preached in political and cultural climates as volatile and unpredictable as the one we face in the U.S.right now. Here are 6 practical tips for navigating sermon prep in these challenging times. 

I also offer a free,

one-hour interactive class on this topic.

If you're part of a clergy group who would like to explore this topic or feel a class would be useful to many in your diocese/synod/district, contact me to arrange a date. 

2. How to Keep Listeners on the Edge of Their Seats

Cliff-hangers. Questions. Unresolved chords. Each of these elements can be used in a sermon to keep our listeners wondering, What's going to happen next? .


3. Ten Tips to Keep Sermon Prep Out of Your Weekends

Yes, please!


4. How to Preach Without Notes and Nail It

I received a lot of emails about this one because so many found this a simple, workable strategy they could put to work immediately.


Thanks for reading and being part of Backstory Preaching

The only all-online continuing education and formation center

for Mainline and Roman Catholic preachers,

where we are as dedicated to you, the preacher,

as we are to your preaching.


Spirituality. Craft. Process.


Your Story: Does it Belong in the Pulpit?


A Surprising Lesson from Nadia Bolz-Weber about Vulnerability in the Pulpit