Advent Sermons: Quotes & Inspiration for You

Dear Preacher,

These are Advent's states of being:

  • Encountering: Come across, come upon, suffer, bear

  • Noticing: Distinguish, acknowledge, discern, heed

  • Preparing: Assemble, anticipate, strengthen, equip

  • Waiting: Stick around, hold on, mark time, watch

  • Magnifying: Amplify, multiply, heighten, enhance

Ordinarily, writing experts discourage overuse of the present participle (-ing) because it's seen as a weak, uncommitted, loosey-goosey, kind of verb. 

But Advent rejects this either-or, fool's choice.

Waiting continuously for the return of Christ, century after century, is not weak. It requires nothing if not the greatest strength.

Encountering Christ's sudden presence in unexpected corners requires courage.

Noticing God's presence in those we thought unworthy to contain a whiff of holiness; preparing our hearts and minds endlessly in case this is the night we come face to face with our Redeemer; and magnifying, amplifying, and multiplying God's love in a world that prefers to magnify, amplify, and multiply fear and the preeminence of one's self, require nothing but the greatest fortitude.

I pray this collection of quotations and reflections will strengthen your personal devotions, journaling, and sermon writing as you prepare perpetually for the coming of Christ.


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