Save Time This Week With these Lenten Resources
Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash
For many preachers this is an extra busy week with two sermons to prepare: Ash Wednesday and the First Sunday of Lent.
The lessons are so rich, there is no end of sermon material to focus on for your sermons. So much so that once you've read the texts, it can be hard to know where to start.
Looking online for exegetical resources is even more overwhelming!
Even if you land on a site that looks like it might be useful, you might not be sure of the scholarship, bias, or reliability of the source.
And it seems half the time, the links don't even work!
Still, since you might want a fresh voice beyond your standard "go-to's," you might keep searching—and waste a lot of your precious prep time as a result.
What if you had a different kind of go-to exegetical resource?
An exegetical resource that combines scholarship with new and refreshing insights...with links that work!
That's exactly what we do every week at BsP.
We put those resources together for you to save you time. Resources that are ecumenical, inclusive, and that make you think—and pray.
We do the hard slogging to search for solid, useful, online resources and fresh voices every week, then collate them for members of the Backstory Preaching Collective/+.
I hope these resources inspire your preaching and streamline your process.
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