"WOW!": How to Enter the Fall with Renewed Energy for Preaching

Dear Lisa,

I have finally had a chance to take Backstory's online course [Craft an Effective Sermon by Friday] and all I can say is WOW. I cannot tell you how much it helped me prepare and write my sermon last week.

I did each step as written and allowed it to guide my process Monday - Friday last week. I was more relaxed than I have ever been on a Thursday! I was prayerful, excited about all the ideas that percolated throughout the week and felt I crafted a good sermon that was focused on a belief statement and a statement of hope that my congregation could absolutely relate to.

I will be using this system every week until it becomes habit. So excited! 

Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

Blessings and prayers for your continued IMPORTANT ministry. 

Charla Belinski

I was delighted to receive Charla's message in my inbox. Her comments were added to the growing list I've received from those who've written to tell me how Craft an Effective Sermon by Friday has changed their process and attitude towards preaching.

What does this course do?

Craft an Effective Sermon by Friday is helping preachers:

  • get clear about their sermon message in less time

  • manage the true time needed to prepare their sermons

  • create a prep schedule and environment that facilitates deep engagement in the process

  • approach preaching prep as respite instead of a chore

  • find God in the midst of sermon prep

  • reclaim the importance of personal prayer as part of their prep

  • offer a sermon they truly believe

  • invite transformation in their listeners


5 Steps to Improving Your Preaching Life


Beyond Good Intentions: Schedule God