Free, At-Home Christmas Retreat, 2023
This retreat will not completely fill your tank, assuage your exhaustion, or provide a clear path of hope for the future. But it will, I pray, provide a theological and spiritual framework for what you have endured, witnessed, and felt this past year.
(Free) Epiphany Quotes on Faith for Preaching and Reflection
The Season of Epiphany is the eight-week journey of coming to put our faith in the belief that God not only exists but is embodied in Jesus of Nazareth. For this reason, this set of quotations for Epiphany focuses on faith. I hope you find them helpful in your preaching and personal reflections.
Christmas Gift List for Preachers (2023)
Each year I create a gift list for preachers with suggestions that are hint-worthy to drop with Santa, loved ones, or parishioners. This year’s suggestions are sure to delight and inspire you in 2024, and most will even help save the environment beyond that.
I suggest them because they put a smile on my face, and if you are lucky enough to receive any of these, I hope they will bring a smile to yours, too. Enjoy!
Advent Quote Collection: Inspiration for the Season
Organized under the themes of encountering, noticing, preparing, waiting, and magnifying, this collection can be used in your Advent sermons, liturgical prayers, or personal or household devotions for the season. They help us remember the only thing that matters: Christ and Christ alone.
Preaching through Advent? Prepare Now with a Stop-Doing List for More Rest, Connection, and Joy
Whether you feel happy, sad, angry, or a mix of those this season, one thing is almost certain: your to-do list abounds. To make your Advent season and Christmastide more joyful, here are ten “Stop Doing” suggestions you can begin to implement now.
Apply as needed.
The Uncomfortable Relationship Between Preacher, Stewardship, & Congregation: 4 Revealing Conversations
During stewardship season we preach to our parishioners about the need to offer their time, talent, and treasure.
But we preachers need a different conversation.
We need a frank, "backstory" conversation about our personal dependence on parishioners' donations, and the ways money affects our relationships with parishioners and colleagues and our capacity to preach with our whole selves.
3 questions to guide sermon prep for special occasions or crisis circumstances (A Guest Post)
“As people of faith, we believe God is present and active and has a word to offer to us in all times and seasons of our individual and corporate lives.” In their book, For Every Matter under Heaven: Preaching on Special Occasions, Donna Givers-Johnston and Beverly Zink-Sawyer address specific preaching occasions that arise from calendars, celebrations, or circumstances—leading preachers through a process of preparing sermons that seek and then speak God’s word for the occasion. They introduce us to their approach in this guest post.
The Ten Biggest Mistakes Preachers Make in Stewardship Sermons
Our sermons about stewardship can feel heavy with the burden of making ends meet.
Given these stakes, it’s tempting to preach from scarcity rather than abundance, to exert pressure rather than issue an invitation, to emphasize monetary bottom lines rather than spiritual transformation.
There's another way to preach, however. Learn to recognize these ten mistakes preachers make in their stewardship sermons so you can craft sermons that invite your congregation to participate in God's abundance instead.
Four Tips to Preach Through Change, Loss, & Grief During Lent
Change—and its attendant grief and loss—can feel like darkness, gloom, and storm clouds are gathering on the horizon, which makes Ash Wednesday the perfect time to explore those feelings in our sermons. Here are four tips to preach through change, grief, and loss during lent.
Connect With God During Lent: 3 Steps for Contemplative Sermon Prep
This is the most intensive season of the year for priests and pastors. With Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, multiple services for Easter, plus extra Lenten parish educational activities, there’s a lot to prepare for. Before you feel overwhelmed, though, let’s do a quick review to remind ourselves what will help your sermon prep—and all your preparations—to be holy, from your heart, and as efficient as possible.
The sermon 52 Framework
Just one hour and $27 to learn BsP’s practice to craft authentic, effective sermons—52 weeks a year.
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Live Lectio for Sermon Prep (Free!)
Get an early start on your sermon prep by joining us live on Facebook (Mondays at noon Central) as we prayerfully discuss the coming week's gospel passage (RCL & NL).
I participated in the Lectio study today with a complicated and double-speak Gospel (John 17:6-19) and WOW! I received so much great insight and am headed in a direction I feel really good about. Thank you to all my colleagues! If you are wondering if this is worth it, wonder no more. It is.
—Donna G.
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The Collective/+
Your go-to community for preaching support and long-term growth. Weekly sermon prep resources, monthly master classes with leaders in the field, seasonal planning sessions, and community for the day-to-day work of preaching—all online so you can participate from anywhere.
Craft an Effective Sermon by Friday
This downloadable eCourse teaches you effective techniques you can apply immediately to craft soul-filled sermons that connect with your audience.
Get the latest book by BsP’s founder!
The Gospel People Don't Want to Hear: Preaching Challenging Messages was written to aid preacher’s in understanding what’s at stake for their listeners so they can craft sermons their audience can receive, even if they challenge cherished beliefs.
I just have to say WOW. I'm so grateful that I made the investment and joined The Collective. These Thursday [workshops] are a game-changer for me.
—Andrea M.