The Power of Purpose: Setting Effective Goals through Value-Driven Intentions
Goals in and of themselves do not produce fulfillment. Intentions, however, do—because they are rooted in our values.
The 3 Steps You're Missing When Planning Anything—Including Sermon Prep
When we envision ourselves undertaking tasks under the “worst”—or, ahem!—realistic circumstances, we’re far more likely to get closer to reality. Sermon prep is no different. Consider these three strategies to bring your idealistic expectations in line with the realities of life.
A Homiletician, a Theologian, and a Biblical Scholar Walk into a Bar.... (A Guest Post)
From Dr. Leah Schade’s guest post: “Every preacher should have a ‘circle of trust’ that they take to their ‘sermon watering hole.’ The circle should include people you know you can rely on to help you encounter the Bible in a responsible way in order to say something meaningful about who God is and what God is doing in the world. People who spark ideas for crafting a sermon that will hook your listeners, help them follow you, and give them a reason to say “amen!” Here are three suggestions for expanding your circle of trust in sermon preparation.”
A New Goal for Preachers: Peaceful Productivity (A Guest Post)
Recently, I guided participants through a process to make space for sermon prep for the multiple sermons they’d be writing for Holy Week and Easter. I encouraged three steps, and while there was some resistance to the third, once completed, I sensed a shift in energy and renewed sense of enthusiasm for the tasks ahead. Read on to energize your own sermon prep with this 3-step scheduling process.
The Power of Questions: How to Challenge Assumptions in Preaching
An assumption is the lightning fast explanation we generate to connect random events or pieces of information into a believable narrative. We do this when we don’t have the time or mental bandwidth or confidence to figure out the real story. Instead, we rely on the easiest or fastest explanation to avoid the discomfort of not knowing. But when assumptions block us from the truth—from the gospel—we have a real problem.
X Marks the Spot: Blocking Time for Yourself (A Guest Post)
We’re tempted to believe the spirit moves by whim in un-scheduled and unpredictable ways. But Peterson models, and I’ve experienced, that the inspiration and insights of preaching are more often rooted in practices that make space for us to invite and hear the spirit.
When the Mystery is Magnified: the Gospel and the Microscope (A Guest Post)
“The main thing I remember about the microscope was the mystery of how changing the magnification could make the object I was looking at appear completely different, even though it was the same leaf or seed or bark or flower.” The same is true when we examine the biblical narratives. We can use three different lenses to understand our lives as followers of Jesus.
A Preacher's Twelve Favorite Questions
A Nobel-winning physicist told a student that the secret to his genius was keeping a list of his twelve favorite problems top of mind as he carried on about his days. As he encountered new ideas, people, or tools, he applied them to his problems, and occasionally, an unanticipated connection solved a problem. Voila. Genius! I think preachers could benefit from a similar practice, and I share how inside.
Adaptive Leadership (Part 3): Raise the Heat (A Guest Post)
Engaging in Adaptive Leadership involves managing the “thermostat” of your congregation. If it’s too cold in your system, people get stuck in work avoidance. If it’s too hot in your system, people respond with a “fight, flight, freeze, or appease” response. To make progress toward transformation, we must set the system’s temperature above a threshold of learning, and then keep the temperature below the limit of tolerance. Here’s how.
Adaptive Leadership (Part 2): Navigating the Gap to Find Solutions to Complex Challenges (A Guest Post)
Unlike technical challenges with clear, go-to solutions, adaptive challenges are about changing priorities, beliefs, habits, and loyalties for a compelling purpose. Solving these challenges requires deep learning to develop new tools, relationships, methods, and practices. “Adaptive leadership” is necessary for these challenges involving significant culture shifts or organizational changes that don’t come with a blueprint.
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Live Lectio for Sermon Prep (Free!)
Get an early start on your sermon prep by joining us live on Facebook (Mondays at noon Central) as we prayerfully discuss the coming week's gospel passage (RCL & NL).
I participated in the Lectio study today with a complicated and double-speak Gospel (John 17:6-19) and WOW! I received so much great insight and am headed in a direction I feel really good about. Thank you to all my colleagues! If you are wondering if this is worth it, wonder no more. It is.
—Donna G.
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The Gospel People Don't Want to Hear: Preaching Challenging Messages was written to aid preacher’s in understanding what’s at stake for their listeners so they can craft sermons their audience can receive, even if they challenge cherished beliefs.
I just have to say WOW. I'm so grateful that I made the investment and joined The Collective. These Thursday [workshops] are a game-changer for me.
—Andrea M.