How to Preach Transformation in Holy Week—and Every Week
Adaptive theology is uncomfortable because it doesn’t come with a blueprint, rule book, or even stick-figure assembly directions. Instead it offers a snapshot of cleared ground where the reign of God waits to be built; a rendering of the renovated halls of justice where peace keepers hold dialogues instead of guns; a silhouette of all the peoples gathered to save the planet.
Five Steps to Exponential Sermon Messages—Including Holy Week!
Preaching multiple sermons in a short period (like Holy Week) is tough. We have to read multiple texts, research multiple texts, ponder multiple texts, pray over those texts, discern the messages, and then craft the sermons! Ack! But it doesn’t have to be that hard. Here are five simple steps to create an almost endless number of sermons messages, perfect for Holy Week or any sermon series.
Quotations for Preaching and Reflection: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter (2022)
I love gathering quotations for preachers’ reflections and preaching. So many of them call me up short, take my breath away, and offer new insights. This collection of quotes for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday does just that, opening my imagination and heart to help me grow as a follower of Jesus and as a preacher, in addition to providing loads of ideas for sermons that touch our listeners. I hope these do the same for you.
Preaching the Renunciation of Evil and the Way of Love
“As I write this I am sick to my stomach from the horror of what is happening to the people of Ukraine. The images and stories of the violence being wrought against her citizens reveal a blatant, outrageous defiance of God’s commandment to love our neighbors. The situation is so astoundingly, stunningly horrific that it is difficult to find words to preach or pray. Whenever I am at a loss for how to respond as a follower of Jesus Christ and the Way of Love, I go back to the beginning: baptism.”
Two Powerful Words + Three Easy Strategies To Write Sermons in a Busy Season
Because sermon crafting by its very nature is a creative endeavor, and because ministry by nature is unpredictable, sermon prep won’t always go according to plan. There is much we can’t control about the process. But there is much more we can! We increase the odds dramatically that sermon prep will go according to plan when we do this one thing: show up. And we can increase our odds of showing up by making it as easy, hospitable, and worthwhile as possible.
Lenten Preaching Themes (& how to discern your own seasonal themes)
Discover how to create a theme for a preaching season. Having done the hardest work of all in finding a message for the season, you’ll narrow your focus from the start. There will be far less decision-making and time spent looking for that germ of an idea. Plus, your exegesis time will be shortened because you’ll head into it with the theme mind, allowing you to focus on just the resources you need, decreasing the time spent on fruitless rabbit trails.
Ash Wednesday & Lent Quotes for Preaching and Reflection
Do we really need Lent this year? Do we need—yet another—season of withdrawal, discipline, and abstention? Haven’t we been living in such a season for the last two years? Since the global pandemic began, we have been deprived of birthday meals, wedding gatherings, and the comfort we receive from expressing our collective grief at funerals. We’ve missed out on meals at restaurants, concerts and plays, hugging our friends, sitting at our favorite coffee shops, and receiving consecrated bread and wine. What does Lent have to teach us that the last two years haven’t?
3 Simple Steps to Preach Lofty Theological Ideas from Our Earthly Plane
When Jesus preached about the kingdom of heaven, he didn't explain what the “kingdom of heaven meant. Instead, he used commonplace metaphors like a mustard seed, leaven, and treasure buried in a field to preach lofty theological ideas from an earthly plane. He didn't preach about theology. He preached an experience of it. We can adapt his process to bring lofty theological concepts down to earth.
For God's Sake: A Lenten Sermon Series
Lent is the time when we face our sin unflinchingly because God yearns for us to be re-integrated into our original wholeness, so that we love completely. For your inspiration or adaptation, I’ve crafted a Lenten sermon series that focuses on the ways we dis-integrate ourselves from the body of Christ, and God’s corresponding call to be re-integrated as One. Each sermon offers a focus text, a point of disintegration, and God’s corresponding call to re-integrate us.
4 steps preachers take to build a Study Hall for sacred productivity
We may not be students at the moment, but we still face deadlines, major projects, and of course, preaching happens at a certain time every week
What I’ve learned since I was an undergrad is that study halls don’t have to be inside a library, and they become a lot more meaningful when we design them to be not only productive, but sacred.
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Live Lectio for Sermon Prep (Free!)
Get an early start on your sermon prep by joining us live on Facebook (Mondays at noon Central) as we prayerfully discuss the coming week's gospel passage (RCL & NL).
I participated in the Lectio study today with a complicated and double-speak Gospel (John 17:6-19) and WOW! I received so much great insight and am headed in a direction I feel really good about. Thank you to all my colleagues! If you are wondering if this is worth it, wonder no more. It is.
—Donna G.
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The Gospel People Don't Want to Hear: Preaching Challenging Messages was written to aid preacher’s in understanding what’s at stake for their listeners so they can craft sermons their audience can receive, even if they challenge cherished beliefs.
I just have to say WOW. I'm so grateful that I made the investment and joined The Collective. These Thursday [workshops] are a game-changer for me.
—Andrea M.