Preaching Advice Roundup: 16 Backstory Preaching mentors share strategies to make preaching easier, more effective, and more fun!
Sometimes, one small tip is powerful enough to unlock a new competency or significantly improve a skill or process. That’s why today's blog is all tips, tips, and nothing but preaching tips. As the 2023-2024 Mentorship class wraps up their program and celebrates graduation, I asked current Backstory Preaching mentors to offer some of their favorite preaching strategies to help you craft more effective sermons in less time—while loving the process!
See Yourself as Beloved—and Change the World
I learned a journaling practice that has changed my life. I think it could change yours, too.
Free Easter Retreat for Preachers: "While It Was Still Dark"
Download your free Easter retreat to refresh and prepare your spirit.
Lenten Quotes for Preaching & Reflection (2024)
Today's free download of quotes feels especially timely and needed. The authors remind me of the most important aspect of Lent: that we, like Christ, are to die to self for the sake of others, out of love. I pray these quote offer you similar comfort, wisdom, and guidance this Lent and throughout 2024.
Free, At-Home Christmas Retreat, 2023
This retreat will not completely fill your tank, assuage your exhaustion, or provide a clear path of hope for the future. But it will, I pray, provide a theological and spiritual framework for what you have endured, witnessed, and felt this past year.
(Free) Epiphany Quotes on Faith for Preaching and Reflection
The Season of Epiphany is the eight-week journey of coming to put our faith in the belief that God not only exists but is embodied in Jesus of Nazareth. For this reason, this set of quotations for Epiphany focuses on faith. I hope you find them helpful in your preaching and personal reflections.
Advent (&dvent) Devotional (A Guest Post)
Like all deliciously wonderful things in life, Advent takes time to simmer and to develop flavor, texture, and richness. We have created a multi-media devotional based on the assigned texts from the Revised Common Lectionary, Yr B. Inside you’ll find corresponding word clouds, photographs, and resources, as well as questions for reflection. May this devotion offer you a sense of ease and comfort, a place for the Spirit to simmer inside you and inspire you to pull up a chair alongside nature—to see and hear her Advent beauty.
"I will offer the sermon I am capable of offering. I will forgive myself."
It is good to offer the sermon we are capable of crafting—loaves and fishes style—within the limits of our skills, available time, competing demands, and lack of feedback. We can trust God to multiply our efforts so that listeners receive the nourishment they need.
Your call is to offer the sermon you are able to offer. And forgive yourself for not meeting your expectations.
10 Rules for Preachers to Stay Healthy, Wealthy in Spirit, and Wise
Whether we preach weekly or less often, there’s always another Sunday, another funeral, another wedding, another Holy Week circling back around that needs a sermon.
If we’re not careful, the things that bring us joy—our loved ones, our fascination with Scripture, and our connection to God—are in constant danger of being taken for granted.
Left untended, they wither.
How do we want to feel when we look back on our preaching careers? How do we want our loved ones to feel looking back on them?
Here are ten rules to keep us healthy, wealthy in spirit, and wise—for the long haul.
Preaching Holy Saturday: Proclaiming Good News from the Depths of Grief & Suffering (A Guest Post)
When preachers suffer grief, loss, illness, disability, or despair, still they preach. What does it mean to preach from these depths? What are the unique gifts of preaching from Holy Saturday, that liminal space when all seems lost and yet God continues to work?
The sermon 52 Framework
Just one hour and $27 to learn BsP’s practice to craft authentic, effective sermons—52 weeks a year.
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Live Lectio for Sermon Prep (Free!)
Get an early start on your sermon prep by joining us live on Facebook (Mondays at noon Central) as we prayerfully discuss the coming week's gospel passage (RCL & NL).
I participated in the Lectio study today with a complicated and double-speak Gospel (John 17:6-19) and WOW! I received so much great insight and am headed in a direction I feel really good about. Thank you to all my colleagues! If you are wondering if this is worth it, wonder no more. It is.
—Donna G.
Current Offerings
The Collective/+
Your go-to community for preaching support and long-term growth. Weekly sermon prep resources, monthly master classes with leaders in the field, seasonal planning sessions, and community for the day-to-day work of preaching—all online so you can participate from anywhere.
Craft an Effective Sermon by Friday
This downloadable eCourse teaches you effective techniques you can apply immediately to craft soul-filled sermons that connect with your audience.
Get the latest book by BsP’s founder!
The Gospel People Don't Want to Hear: Preaching Challenging Messages was written to aid preacher’s in understanding what’s at stake for their listeners so they can craft sermons their audience can receive, even if they challenge cherished beliefs.
I just have to say WOW. I'm so grateful that I made the investment and joined The Collective. These Thursday [workshops] are a game-changer for me.
—Andrea M.